Literacy & Numeracy

Literacy & Numeracy is essential for deep learning in all curriculum areas through which shared beliefs and understanding about teaching and learning are developed.


Literacy refers to reading, writing, speaking, viewing and listening effectively in a range of contexts. In the 21st century, the definition of literacy has expanded to refer to a flexible, sustainable command of a set of capabilities in the use and production of traditional texts and new communications technologies, using spoken language, print and multimedia.

At Fitzroy Primary School our instructional model is consistently implemented across all F-6 classrooms. In Literacy, daily Reading and Writing workshops develop student outcomes through learning intentions and success criteria, explicit teaching, regular conferencing with the teacher and personalised learning goals. Every classroom is well resourced with a library of French and English texts and students are supported to select books that are engaging, whilst challenging their Reading skills.

Staff ensure that all students experience success by teaching students to analyse, understand, communicate and interact with others and the world around them.

Collaborative planning is utilised to develop authentic literacy learning experiences with cross-curricular connections. Student voice and agency is valued and utilised to support literacy instruction and acquisition, including the use of ICT skills as a vehicle to learn and share.

Additional assistance is provided by the Literacy Support team for students’ learning in Reading, Writing and Oral Language through targeted small group work.


Number, measurement and geometry, statistics and probability are core aspects of mathematical experiences in everyday personal, study and work situations. Equally important are the essential roles that algebra, functions and relations, logic, mathematical structure and working mathematically play in students’ understanding of their natural and human worlds, and their interaction between them. At Fitzroy Primary School, our Numeracy program equips students for their future and supports them to reach their potential.

Our students are exposed to increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical understandings, fluency, reasoning, modelling and problem solving. These capabilities enable our students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematics to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.

At Fitzroy Primary School our instructional model is consistently implemented across all F-6 classrooms. In Numeracy, daily lessons develop student outcomes through learning intentions and success criteria, explicit teaching, regular conferencing with the teacher and personalised learning goals. Each classroom is equipped with specific Numeracy materials that students routinely access to support their learning.

Our French bilingual program delivers all areas of the Victorian Mathematics Curriculum in French. Students are exposed to mathematical language in French and English which develops their vocabulary and conceptual understandings within the context of a French bilingual classroom setting.